Manage Money

How to build a Solid Financial Foundation

A solid financial foundation is where it all begins. Following these steps will still help you succeed not just financially, but through life as well.

Manage Money

How our family of 3 lived off $41,353 in 2019

Take a peek into how our family lived off just $41k in 2019, and see what eats up most of our money in our annual spending.

Save Money Taxes

$500,000 + 6 Reasons you need a Tax-Free HSA Today

The Tax-Free HSA is one of the most tax-favorable places you can put your money. Find out all the tax benefits and see how the money could grow over time.

Financial Literacy Manage Money

How to Create a Powerful Zero-Based Budget

Create a zero-based budget. It’s a simple, yet powerful and effective way to track and plan your finances. Find out how to create your own.


Which is Better: Paying Health Insurance Premiums Pre-Tax or Post-Tax?

Given the option, should you pay your health insurance premiums with post-tax or pre-tax dollars? We’ve got your answers right here!


2019 & 2020 Federal Income Tax Brackets Side by Side Comparison

The IRS released the 2020 Tax Rate Brackets. I couldn’t find a side-by-side comparison with 2019, so I decided to create one that I could look at and that will hopefully help you out.

Financial Independence Manage Money Retire Early Save Money

4 Steps to Determine Your FI Number

Follow these 4 steps to determine your FI number. And it is perhaps the single most important goal to reach my target of retiring by 45.