
HSA Uses | Part 1: Best for College Savings or Health Savings (Medical Expenses)

What are the best uses of an HSA? Let’s look beyond the traditional medical use and see if we can find more beneficial uses for an HSA. Perhaps for college?

Manage Money

How to build a Solid Financial Foundation

A solid financial foundation is where it all begins. Following these steps will still help you succeed not just financially, but through life as well.

Manage Money

How our family of 3 lived off $41,353 in 2019

Take a peek into how our family lived off just $41k in 2019, and see what eats up most of our money in our annual spending.

Save Money Taxes

$500,000 + 6 Reasons you need a Tax-Free HSA Today

The Tax-Free HSA is one of the most tax-favorable places you can put your money. Find out all the tax benefits and see how the money could grow over time.

Financial Literacy Manage Money

How to Create a Powerful Zero-Based Budget

Create a zero-based budget. It’s a simple, yet powerful and effective way to track and plan your finances. Find out how to create your own.


Which is Better: Paying Health Insurance Premiums Pre-Tax or Post-Tax?

Given the option, should you pay your health insurance premiums with post-tax or pre-tax dollars? We’ve got your answers right here!


2019 & 2020 Federal Income Tax Brackets Side by Side Comparison

The IRS released the 2020 Tax Rate Brackets. I couldn’t find a side-by-side comparison with 2019, so I decided to create one that I could look at and that will hopefully help you out.

Financial Independence Manage Money Retire Early Save Money

4 Steps to Determine Your FI Number

Follow these 4 steps to determine your FI number. And it is perhaps the single most important goal to reach my target of retiring by 45.